Dec 30, 2015
A reminder that there isn't a new show today as I am taking a break for the holiday's. New shows are starting again in January.
In the meantime, what's your favorite episode from year one? I would have to say either the chat with Bob in ep18 or ep5 talking about demo's were mine.
Thank you for listening and your...
Dec 16, 2015
With so many things to do and keep running as a Product Owner, it can be hard sometimes to know where you are succeeding or need some work. Lists are nice and reflection is helpful, but sometimes you need an objective assessment of how you are doing. In this episode, you will hear about 3 different ways a PO can...
Dec 2, 2015
Working with the delivery team and customers is not all a Product Owner has to do. There are other people who are interested, invested, or yes even paying for the product you are trying to build. Their buy-in and questions are key to getting and sustaining any agile product efforts. Managing the stakeholders needs...