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The Agile Product Owner's Podcast

Oct 19, 2016


The most frequent relationship a Product Owner has, is with the developers on a team.  Sometimes you don’t speak the same language ( business vs technical ) and need to find common ground.  In this episode, David Frink, an experienced agile developer and coach, joins the show to talk about how to strengthen that engineer/PO relationship, and tips on how to deal with some resistance from them. Looking for ways to engage and understand the team, this is it!



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Co-host Post -

Ash Maurya - But will it scale?

Martin Eriksson - Things we learned at Mind the Product 2016

David Frink - Overcoming resistance how to engage developers in agile adoption

Thaler Pekar - Storytelling for engineers

Mikael Boman - Top 6 technical practices every PO should know